-Hockey West Island Update

July 19, 2020

This is a quick update for three quick announcements:

1) AGM – This year we will be conducting the AGM this year via Google Meets. It will take place on Monday August 3rd at 7 PM.

This year the two spots on the Executive that are up for election are Treasurer and VP-Admin. If anybody is interested in applying for one of these positions, please contact our Secretary Pam Suga at hwi-secretary@hockeywestisland.org ten days prior to the AGM. Hockey West Island members that wish to attend may join the meeting (Google Meet) by requesting a link by emailing hwi-secretary@hockeywestisland.org . If you are interested in volunteering on our Board for ANY position, please feel free to contact us at hwi-president@hockeywestisland.org . We welcome all volunteers!

 2) Registration – We will open on-line registration on August 4th.

We will try and hold an in-person registration (outdoors, weather permitting) for new members only in the second week of August. A rate sheet will go up on our website in the next few days, but due to the current uncertainty surrounding the season, we will maintain our registration rates as they were last year, and if the season is partially or completely wiped out, we will refund accordingly.

3) Jersey returns – On behalf of all of HWI, we thank our many managers for your patience with regards to the jersey return.

Our issue here was simply being able to receive and store at the Pointe-Claire arena. We are targeting the second week in August for jersey returns at the arena with a simple (and Covid-safe) drop-off process in place. Information to follow.  Please ensure your jerseys all all washed and accounted for in the jersey bag, and again, thank you for your patience.

Your HWI Executive 

We’ve taken the RCM pledge.

Nous avons signé l’engagement du MER.


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