-Holiday Message from the Prez.

December 16, 2020

December 15, 2020

On behalf of the Board at Hockey West Island, we would like to take a moment and wish all of our members the best of

health during these incredibly trying times.


The Pandemic has affected all areas of our lives, and Canada’s favourite winter sport is no exception. Despite the

incredible efforts of our volunteers (our Covid Responsables, Convenors, and their band of amazing volunteers) at the

start of this season with our sign-ins and contact tracing, due to the uptick in Provincial cases we had to shut-down. Now

with the shut-down, we just wanted to touch base with all of you to say … we miss you!


Our Association, throughout Code Red, has had contingency plans in effect for the return of hockey. As we continue to

push these plans back closer and closer to the end of 2020 (our association ice scheduler is going crazy re-writing and rewriting

our potential schedules), the reality of our situation is that we do not know when we will be back on the ice. So we

are left to plan and plan and plan, and hope that ultimately we are able to get back on the ice soon.


We are sure that you too miss hockey and the camaraderie of playing on your favourite HWI Single-Letter, Double-Letter,

or Westlake team. But with the uncertainty of when we will be allowed to return to the ice, mixed with the devastating

economic impact of the Pandemic, we cannot give you a return date for hockey.


Moving forward, once we know the plan the Quebec Government has for Hockey Quebec, we will then be able to assess

our membership fees to determine refund or credit amounts in the future. But for now, we remain hopeful that we will

get the pandemic numbers under control and our kids will be allowed back on the ice.


Until then stay safe, stay healthy and Happy Holidays.

On behalf of your Hockey Association,


A. Brookman

Andy Brookman – President

& The Hockey West Island Executive

We’ve taken the RCM pledge.

Nous avons signé l’engagement du MER.


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