-Season Update 2021-2022

August 23, 2021
After a very trying year-and-a-half, Hockey West Island is eagerly looking forward to a fun and successful 2021-2022 season. While we are hoping that hockey starts for all our players as soon as possible, due to challenges at our home rinks there may be a slight delay in starting our program.

The continuously evolving situation surrounding COVID and government regulations are coupled with renovations at Dorval Arena and the main rink at Bob Birnie currently being used as a vaccination centre.

Despite the very fluid situation, here’s what we know so far:

➡️ Bob Birnie Annex will be available to us *around* September 7th. We will be sharing ice time with three other organizations.

➡️ The vaccination centre at Bob Birnie Main will be closed as of September 5th. It will take approximately 10 days for the equipment to be removed, and 10-14 days for the ice to be reinstalled and ready to be used. We are hopefully looking at an October start date to use the Main’s ice.

➡️ Dorval Arena is currently under construction but we will have access to the ice as of *approximately* September 18th. Dressing rooms will be in trailers for the time being.

➡️ Our ice time at Westwood Arena will start *around* September 13th.

Given the continuously evolving situation surrounding COVID these dates are subject to change, but please be assured that the HWI board and executives are working hard to get everyone back to hockey as soon as possible while making sure that it is done in a safe manner.

REGISTRATION IS ONGOING and both new and returning members are encouraged to read through the directions on our Registration page on the HWI website: https://www.hockeywestisland.org/registration/

➡️ For those that registered for the preseason warmup camp, we are anticipating that they may start around September 7th.
➡️ Our regular season may start mid-September with the usual skills evaluations, followed by team formations.

➡️ Information for those trying out for Double Letters will be available shortly.

We are awaiting further details from our city partners, and are closely monitoring government and Hockey Quebec’s mandates. We know that these next few weeks are super busy for all of our families and we want to keep everyone in the loop; we will provide details as we receive more information.

– Mike Vallée (HWI President) and your Hockey West Island team

We’ve taken the RCM pledge.

Nous avons signé l’engagement du MER.


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